Offshore Medic

Employer: Oxy Qatar
Location: Qatar 
Offshore Medic (00018535)

A General Responsibility

The Medic will be responsible to OPQL management for:
- Delivery of quality primary, emergency medical and trauma response care to all personnel at the work site.
- Ensuring that OPQL is represented in a professional and competent manner as it relates to conduct, demeanor and provision of service.

- Bringing to the attention of OPQL management all matters relevant to the health and wellbeing of the workforce with appropriate respect for individual privacy and the strictest medical confidentiality.

B Specific Duties

These duties include:

(1) Emergency Care
- Assessment and immediate treatment of serious illness or injury.
- Liaison with local medical personnel for emergency support and resources, if required
- Requesting medical evacuation of ill or injured personnel, when necessary.
- Travel to locations where emergency medical services are required in as timely a manner as possible. This travel may also include travel from site to the nearest approved medical support facility or hand-over to next medical evacuation team as directed by Consulting or On-Call Physician

(2) Primary Care
- Posting schedule of regular hours on clinic door. Carrying an emergency radio when not in clinic.
- Providing clinic access and service for minor illness or injury including relevant clinical assessment, treatment, and regular follow-up of all cases until complete resolution.
- Ensuring appropriate referral of cases which have not resolved as expected.
- Keeping a detailed and factual medical record of all cases seen including diagnosis, treatment given and final disposition, and applying appropriate confidentiality to the record.
- Participate in OPQL’s information campaigns on the subjects of personal protective equipment, healthy lifestyle, and personal precautions for the prevention of transmissible diseases through briefings, collaboration in newsletters, as and when requested by OPQL HES Management.
- Provide advice and necessary assistance to OPQL local Medical support and other OPQL or sub-contractor’s Medical personnel as and when required, act as a coordinator of emergency response in liaison with QP Physician or External Consulting Physician, and the OIS/ODS, as appropriate.

(3) Sick Bay Management
- Advising OPQL on proper layout, fitting and equipment of the medical facility where they operate, and assist in placing relevant orders for medical equipment.
- Maintaining the sick bay in a clean and organized state of readiness at all times.
- Providing day-to-day operation and organization of the sick bay
- Ensuring that all medical equipment is in working order and properly maintained.
- Monitoring inventory of medical and other supplies to ensure continuous availability of medical, disposable items and equipment at level agreed with OPQL HES Management.
- Maintaining and storing of all documentation and records related to the provision of medical services, of medicines used or dispensed and of consumable items used, including patient records.
- Maintaining a controlled drug register in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Preparing pharmaceutical supply orders and forwarding for approval and procurement through QP Pharmacy.
- Preparing medical supply orders and forwarding for approval and procurement through OHN and/or Supply Chain.

(4) First Aid Training
- Conducting basic and regular first aid training or refreshers for designated personnel, including CPR, to ensure their knowledge and skills are maintained at an appropriate level.
- Arranging for periodic simulated exercises and drills for first aid personnel.
- Ensuring that first aid equipment (eg wash bottles, emergency showers, first aid boxes etc) is maintained and checked on a regular basis.

(5) Food Hygiene
- Advising OHN, OIS/ODS on matters relating to food hygiene including food handling and storage.
- Ensuring food supplies storage and preparation meet accepted standards (eg temperatures).
- Conducting periodic audits (eg weekly) of the kitchen and mess areas with appropriate reporting to OHN, OIS/ODS and catering staff.
- Ensuring that all food handlers on the facility are medically fit for duty (eg absence of acute or chronic illness) and hold current health cards.
- Alerting OHN, OIS/ODS about any outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness that may be related to food or water.
- Conducting regular in-house food safety training to catering staff.

(6) Environmental health
- Monthly and Periodic follow-up sampling of potable and other water supplies to ensure compliance with accepted standards (eg residual chlorine).
- Conducting periodic inspections (eg monthly) to ensure that proper sanitation and sold waste treatment practices are being followed.
- Ensuring appropriate disposal of clinical waste in compliance with applicable laws and regulation.
- Ensuring in conjunction with local management, that appropriate control measures for contagious diseases are in place.

(7) Occupational health
- Alerting HES Department/OIS/ODS about occupational materials or processes, which may be hazardous to health.
- Assisting with company-sponsored health surveillance programs for employees who are exposed to specific hazards.
- Participating the Company’s healthy lifestyle program
- Supervising ergonomic assessments.
- Conducting various screening tests and periodic tests as necessary.

(8) Industrial hygiene
- Assisting OIS/ODS and safety personnel in the measurement and monitoring of occupational health risk (eg noise monitoring) under guidance of the company physician advising the operation.

(9) Counseling
- Offering counseling services (within his/her skill levels) to employees, and protect confidentiality as appropriate.
- Ensuring onward referral, where appropriate, of employees with emotional or adjustment problems that may affect fitness for duty or workplace safety.

(10) Health Education and Health Promotion
- Advising employees on general matters relevant to their health and well-being.
- Presenting information to employees on healthy lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, smoking, diet, weight control, exercise, etc) or other health-related topics (blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease, communicable diseases, etc).

(11) Immunization/chemoprophylaxis program
- Ensuring that appropriate immunization recommendations are understood and implemented by the workforce, as required (eg immunization for Tetanus, Influenza and Hepatitis A & B)

(12) Disaster planning
- Understanding his role in site emergency response and disaster plan.
- Ensuring that an area for triage and multiple causalities is identified.
- Ensuring that critical Medical supplies and equipment are pre-packed and available for emergency use at dispersed sites or during patient transport.
- Participating in simulation exercises organized by OPQL management.

(13) Administration
- Ensuring an effective and organized delivery of Medical services through a self-audit program.
- Protecting confidential information.
- Maintaining inventory control and security, and arrange for re-supply at appropriate intervals.
- Tracking and report data on clinic utilization and hygiene inspections.

All candidates must be able to:

• Take a full and accurate history of both acute and chronic medical and trauma conditions
• Perform a clinical examination and formulate a working diagnosis
• Be able to safely and appropriately prescribe Medications within the OPQL inventory. This should include familiarity with the effects and side effects of medications in the inventory, including indications, dosage, and duration, route of administration, side effects, toxicity and precautions.
• Be able to stabilize and maintain patient support within a standard clinic setting. This will include, but not be limited to, the specific life support skills detailed below:

• Basic airway management including bag and mask techniques
• Endotracheal intubations and ventilation
• Siting and maintaining intravenous canular and infusions
• Catheterisation of the urinary bladder
• Spinal immobilization techniques
• Administration of intravenous Medications
• Management of tension pneumothorax
• Advanced cardiac life support including defibrillation by a fully or semi-automatic defibrillator to current algorithm standards
• Be familiar with and competent in the use of standard emergency response equipment.
• Be able to manage soft tissue injuries and fractures including proper anaesthetic techniques, debridement, undermining, drain placement and internal and external suture placement. Be able to stabilize and manage simple and long bone fractures.

Be able to diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatments for common Medical conditions. These to include:

• Common eye conditions including loose corneal foreign bodies
• Common emergency dental conditions
• Common ear conditions
• Skin conditions, especially those related to occupational disease
• Common gastrointestinal conditions
• Communicable infectious diseases – this includes sexually transmitted disease
• Respiratory conditions
• Cardiovascular conditions
• Genitourinary systems
• Common psychiatric conditions

Have knowledge and experience to recognize, prevent and treat, as appropriate, medical problems, which may be unique to the operation area such as:

• H2S poisoning
• Adverse reactions to climate, vegetation, insect and other vectors (eg heat stroke, sunburn, hypothermia, hypersensitivity reactions to plants, stings and venom)
• Disease transmitted by insects and other vectors (eg malaria, Japanese B encephalitis, dengue fever, etc)
• Local public health and hygiene practices (eg gastrointestinal diseases related to food and water contamination, sexually transmitted diseases).

Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of triage and be able to plan and manage an event demanding the implementation of triage principles.

Have a sound and competent knowledge of health and hygiene practices and safety. This to include supply, transport, storage, preparation, presentation, serving and disposal of food in both the hot and cold chains.

Experience and ability in the following skills and areas may be necessary:

• Removal of adherent corneal foreign body
• Cricothyroid puncture
• Chest drainage procedure
• Occupational health including health promotion and illness and injury prevention
• Occupational hygiene including sanitation and vector control


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